What Are the Values of Forestry Mulching Over Traditional Clearing?

Managing large plots of land, whether forested land or farmland, can be time-consuming and costly.

Done using traditional methods, overgrown land can be remedied using heavy equipment to remove it all, but then what gets done with all the waste material?

Much of it gets burned or buried, then in an effort to retain the topsoil and prevent erosion, even more money is spent on planting and nurturing grass, frequently including the application of chemicals into the soil.

In the end, although that land may be easier to maintain, getting to that point was not only costly but also destructive to the environment, wildlife, and natural plant and insect species. 

A Better Choice – Forestry Mulching

Forestry mulching, or more formally forestry mastication, can be a much better option for anyone in need of a way to manage barren land but in a safer, less expensive, and more environmentally friendly way.

Performed by local mulching services using tracked machines equipped with mulching attachments that essentially just “eat” brush, saplings, and other unwanted vegetation, mulching does the same job as traditional forest clearing, but in a single step as opposed to many.

The equipment creates less damage to the soil as it turns vegetation into helpful mulch that serves many positive purposes as opposed to the other disposal options. 

Get Land Improvement With Forest Mulching

What many people may not realize about mulching and choosing a mulching company over traditional land clearing to manage barren land is the way that mulched vegetative waste improves the land.

Maintaining the condition of the topsoil is critical for forested land or any other land that might one day be used for pasture or another agricultural purpose.

Mulched forestry waste creates a ground carpet that prohibits the growth of weeds, while simultaneously feeding the soil as that vegetation slowly decomposes.

Mulching produces free compost that improves the nutrients in the soil and promotes strong roots for established trees, which collectively reduces erosion and topsoil loss.

Best of all, it is all accomplished by mulching services without the use of chemicals and without burning, burying, or the use of other unsustainable land management and waste disposal methods. 

In Summary

Mulching services offer an inexpensive, sustainable, and efficient solution for general land clearing and management that not only enriches the land but protects it as well.

Also, mulching can be done without the permitting that is required for other methods of forestry and land management.

Especially suited for areas where erosion prevention and soil quality are a concern, landowners can contact a local mulching company to plan effective, low-cost, and eco-friendly clearing to improve the health of their land!